The Reading Nook

Behind Her Eyes - Sarah Pinborough

      I think I recommend this book more than any other. This psychological thriller had me hooked, and I could not believe the ending. Literally. I actually said, “OHMIGOD” out loud when I read the final page.

      This book is the perfect balance of mystery and thriller with likable characters and a story line that will keep you guessing from the first chapter to the last. With its fast-paced plot, you won’t even realize time is passing. I read this book in two nights because I could not put it down.

      Sarah has become one of my favorite authors since discovering this book in my public library a couple years ago. I’ll share some of my other favorites with you in the coming months. Follow Sarah on social media, and check out the link below for Behind Her Eyes on Amazon Kindle. And look for the Netflix original series based on this book, coming early 2021. #ad

Midnight Sun - Stephenie Meyer

      Ok. So, I know this one will be controversial. YA Sci-Fi always is, right? If I’m being honest, I was not going to read this book. I love the Twilight Series; I love the Twilight movies. But I did the Twilight fandom years ago, and I really thought this was a case of an author unable to let go of her characters and staying at the party way too long. 

      My apologies to Stephenie Meyer for ever thinking that. I loved this book. This book brought a new depth to the original story, and, if I’m being frank, I liked it better than Twilight. I already know and love the characters, so I was able to jump right back into the story, but with a whole new perspective. 

     While there were a few parts that seems a bit redundant and probably could have been shortened to make this 650+ page monster a bit more manageable, I thoroughly enjoyed reading it. It was nice to revisit such a fun story. And I am a sucker for a good love story. 

     I could have done without Edward’s moody brooding at the end, which I am sure is meant to set up the tumultuous start to New Moon. But overall, I highly recommend this book. Well done, Stephenie, for creating an enticing, entertaining retelling that doesn’t lose a reader who already knows the story.

      Go check it out, especially if you are a YA Sci-Fi or a Twilight Series fan. 

13 Minutes

      Surprise, surprise! Another Sarah Pinborough novel. Seriously, if you haven’t started reading her novels yet, what are you doing with your life? 13 Minutes was a book I had to force myself to put down. I absolutely could have finished it in one night, staying up until the wee hours. But alas, work got in the way.  

      In this novel, there comes a point when it seems like the story has come to an end, wrapped nicely with a pretty little bow on top. But it’s never that easy with one of Sarah’s book. I remember thinking, no way. We are about to go on a rollercoaster ride now. And it absolutely was. This novel is absolutely gripping. It won’t let you stop until you’ve reached the end. And, per the usual, it’s not at all what you suspected during the read. The twists and turns and mental manipulation never stop in this story, which makes it an unforgettable read.  

      In a world of cyberbullying, this novel is more relevant than ever. Don’t let the fact that it follows the story of High Schoolers dissuade you from picking up this amazing book. Trust me. Sarah’s social links and a link to this amazing book are below!  #ad

How to Be Single - Liz Tuccillo

      This novel has been around for a long time. But sadly, I don’t think it ever got the attention it deserves. This is a timeless novel, and I’ve read it half a dozen times myself. My copy is starting to fall apart at the spine it’s so old. But I just love reading this story over and over again 

      I bet you didn’t know that the author, Liz Tuccillo was a writer on Sex & The City. She also co-wrote He’s Just Not That Into You, which is another one of my favorite books. I know the first thing that comes to mind when you read this title is the movie that came out a couple of years ago. Let me be the first to say, the book is infinitely better.  

      Laced with humor, drama, and relatability, How to Be Single is an absolutely must-read. Fans of Candace Bushnell, Lauren Weisenberger, and just stories with strong female leads will love this book as much as I do. Links to Liz’s social media and the link to buy are below. I’ll be snuggled up re-reading this amazing book if you need me.  #ad

False Memory - Dean Koontz

      A few years ago, I recommended False Memory to a friend of mine who is also an avid reader and loves suspense thrillers. When he returned the book, he said, “Dr. Arhiman might be the best antagonist ever written.” I’m sure you won’t all agree, but this statement is so profound.  

      Per the usual with a Koontz novel, the suspense starts building on page one. And it never lets you go. This book will trick your mind and give you anxiety you never knew you had as you navigate through its complex, twisted plot. While it is on the longer side, this book is worth all the time it takes. It will draw you into its maniacal little world and keep you guessing the entire time.  

      You’ll probably want to sleep with the lights on by the time you finish this one. And good luck visiting your psychiatrist without anxiety. I don’t recommend this one for younger readers. But for the adults reading this, you’re welcome. Buy the book below! And follow Dean Koontz on social media.  #ad

VOX - Christina Dalcher

      For fans of The Handmaid’s Tale in either the book or Hulu show format, this is a must read. I picked this book up in Didcot when I thought my flight back wouldn’t have any in-flight entertainment. (Remember those days?) While I didn’t read it on the plane, when I finally cracked into it a couple weeks later, I couldn’t put it down.  

      Vox is a fascinating take on a society that suppresses the female voice. It’s a bit of an easier read than The Handmaid’s Tale. I found it to be fast-moving, and once I started, I couldn’t put this book down. With an emphasis on fighting an unjust system and a strong female lead that won’t settle for less than her worth, this is a perfect read for NOW.  

      I found it incredibly engaging, chilling, and sadly relevant. Check out the links to Christina Dalcher’s social media below. And the link to get your copy of Vox. It’s a perfect way to spend a Wednesday night, when you just wish the weekend would come sooner.  #ad

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2 thoughts to “The Reading Nook”

    1. Thanks for your comment! I love sharing my favorite books and supporting fellow authors. Keep checking back for new recos 🙂

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